Desember 29, 2010

Tanpa Tuhan Yesus Tidak Ada Natal Dan Keselamatan

Harus diakui oleh kita semua dan oleh dunia bahwa tanpa Tuhan Yesus tidak ada Natal. Sekarang seluruh dunia mengakui  kelahiran Tuhan Yesus. Melalui nyanyian Natal, dekorasi Natal dan aksesori lainnya dunia merayakan natal. Bahkan sejarah dunia mencatat kelahiran Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus. Simak beberapa hal yang membuktikan pada kita gambaran bahwa tanpa Tuhan Yesus Kristus, tidak ada Natal dan keselamatan.
I.   Kelahiran-Nya dinubuatkan
  • Kelahiran-Nya dinubuatkan kira-kira  700 tahun sebelum Ia lahir (Yes. 7: 14) 
  • Kelahiran-Nya adalah sesuatu yang ajaib, serba mujizat dank arena lahir dari seorang yang masih perawan (Mat. 1:18,23)
  •   Kelahiran-Nya telah direncanakan sejak Adam dan Hawa nenek moyang manusia jatuh ke dalam dosa (Kej. 3:15)
II.   Tujuan kedatangan-Nya dinubuatkan
  • Untuk melakukan kehendak Allah, Ia tidak pernah mempertanyakan kehendak Allah untuk hidup-Nya. Ia dengan sukarela menerima beban yang ditaruhkan di atas-Nya (Mat. 26:39)
  • Untuk menggenapi nubuatan perihan diri-Nya. Alkitab berisikan nubuatan perihal penderitaan dan kematian-Nya (Yes. 53:10)
  • Untuk menggenapi rencana Allah. Rencana Allah bahwa melalui Tuhan Yesuslah harga keselamatan secara utuh harus dibayar (Yes.53:5)
   III.   Mengapa Ia harus mati dan disalibkan?
  •   Kematian-Nya telah dinubuatkan dan itu terjadi 700 tahun sebelum Ia lahir (Yes.53: 1-12)
  •  Tujuan kematian-Nya adalah karena tanpa darah-Nya yang tercurah, tidak ada pengampunan atas dosa manusia (Ibr.9: 22)
  •  Kuasa kematian-Nya begitu rupa. Ia mengampuni penjahat di sisi-Nya di kayu salib. Melalui kematian-Nya, Ia memberi pengampunan bagi semua orang (Luk.23: 43-45)
IV.  Kemuliaan yang Ia miliki
  • Tuhan Yesus telah naik ke sorga dan duduk di sebelah kanan Allah Bapa. Tuhan Yesus telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan keselamatan. Kini Ia dimuliakan (Ibr. 10: 12)
  •   Kemuliaan yang sama diberikan kepada orang Kristen yang setia (2 Tim. 4:8)

Desember 22, 2010

The Essence of Love and Giving on Chrismas

   The air of Christmas is awe-inspiring, it's everywhere. The Christmas spirit rekindles good memories of childhood days. No wonder people in every corner seem to be in ethereal good mood. Jesus obviously seems to be a friend of many for different reasons.Even though shopping, wrapping, stocking, decorating, making, baking, cheering and celebrating makes the Christmas season jolly and merry, I personally think what makes it meaningful is the “giving” part of Christmas. The essence of Christmas is that “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son…” (John 3:16).
   God gave us a gift when we did not deserve it, he did not give us because he was expecting us to give something in return. He gave us because he loved us so much and wanted to make a difference in our lives. Most of the material gifts we give show that we care and probably excite the receiver for some time, but they cannot make a real difference in the life of the receiver. The only gift that can really make a difference is the gift God gave us (His son) so that we can share with the rest of the world. So instead of just giving people a Christmas gift, let us think of different ways we can point to the greatest gift ever given to mankind (Jesus Christ). We wish people "Merry Christmas” because the good news is not that we have holidays, but that we have a savior who made a difference in our lives. 
    When we think of giving, we must start with loving. Properly speaking, to love means to wish not for one’s own good but for the good of the person who is loved. To show our love, let's think about other's first and give!

Loving Mother

Mother's heart is so tender
and her face has a gentle glow
She's both friend and inspiration,
she's the sweetest mother I know.

She gives herself so freely
to those who share her life
She clearly loves her children
with the love that comes from Christ

Her eyes are full of compassion
her voice is soft and mild
She lives for helping others,
leaving "heart prints" all the while.

Mother's love is special
and grows sweeter with every year
God blessed me with an angel;
she's the precious loving mother

Desember 17, 2010

The Message of Christmas

Christmas is commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, the only son of God. We should remember Christmas as an unlimited grace from God. In life, God give us two kinds of gifts, which is inclusive and exclusive. Inclusive gifts such as: Oxygen, wealth, and good family that everyone can have it. The exclusive gifts such as: redemption, salvation, and eternal life is just for the son and daughters of God. The purpose of Jesus coming to this world is for us so that we will know the truth and the kingdom of God that is exclusive. The problem of the Christians right now is that they don't appreciate God's salvation and gospel that we have known and received. Don't wait to receive Jesus Christ until you are in the bad moment of life. Never take grace from God for granted. God wants us to appreciate his grace and blessings and use it in the right way. Wouldn't life be worth the living, wouldn't dreams be coming true if we kept the Christmas spirit all the whole year through?

The Christmas Gift

Bow and ribbon,
Love and glitter
Cover the gift as curiosities flitter
Of what wonders could come inside
And what this eve has been supplied
By family, friend and stranger, too
Saying with the gift,
"I Love You"
Bow and ribbon
Love and glitter
Will never make a soul grow bitter
For no matter what the gift may or may not hold
The giving is as pure as gold.