November 27, 2011

Membentuk karakter membutuhkan fokus dan kesabaran, dengan memperhatikan detail serta kemampuan untuk konsistern dengan waktu. Sementara Tuhan adalah Penjuna kita yang utama,
 kita juga berperan sebagai penjuna bagi diri kita dalam membentuk karakter kita. 
Makin kita tertekan, 
makin kecil kemungkinannya
 bagi kita untuk membentuk karakter 
yang baik


“Bagi orang suci semuanya suci; tetapi bagi orang najis dan bagi orang yang tidak beriman suatu pun tidak ada yang suci, karena baik akal budi maupun suara hati mereka najis.”
-Titus 1:15
 Kesadaran menyerupai sebuah pasak persegi yang tajam dalam hati kita. Saat kita diperhadapkan dengan situasi yang membutuhkan pengambilan keputusan benar atau salah, pasak tadi mulai melengkung. Sudutnya kena pada hati kita dan memperingatkan kita secara naluriah bahwa kita menghadapi suatu situasi dimana kita harus mengambil pilihan untuk melawan yang buruk dan berpihak pada yanga baik.

   Akan tetapi, jika kesadaran tidak dihiraukan dari waktu ke waktu, maka ujung-ujung pasak itu akan menjadi aus secara bertahap dan menjadi sebuah lingkaran yang bengkok dan berputar sekehendaknya. Ketika lingkaran tadi berputar-putar dalam hati kita, tidak ada lagi hati sanubari yang memberi peringatan. Hasilnya, kita tidak dapat lagi memiliki kesadaran.                                           
Sering kali orang beranggapan bahwa pikirannya kian luas, padahal hanya kesadarnnya yang membesar. Kesadaran yang baik benar-benar merupakan karunia Tuhan. Taati peringatannya sejak awal, maka Anda akan banyak terhindar dari sakit hati maupun sakit kepala. 

Berdiri Kokoh

November 26, 2011

Limitless God

"The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy . . . "
                           –Zephaniah 3:17

The world’s millions could come down to the beach and reach out their hands to be filled with sea water. They could each take as much as they wanted, as much as they needed—and still the ocean would remain unchanged. Its might and power would be the same, the life in its unfathomable depths would continue unaltered, although it had supplied the needs of every single person standing with outstretched hands along its shores. 

So it is with God. He can be everywhere at once, heeding the prayers of all who call out in the name of Christ; performing the mighty miracles that keep the stars in their places, and the plants bursting up through the earth, and the fish swimming in the sea. There is no limit to God. There is no limit to His wisdom. There is no limit to His power. There is no limit to His love. There is no limit to His mercy.

November 06, 2011

Invest Your Talents

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above." –James 1:17
God, in His mercy and goodness, has endowed every man with certain gifts, talents, and capabilities. These are not to be used selfishly for our own profit, but for the glory of God and for the building of His kingdom. Our personalities, our intelligence, and our capabilities are gifts from His own bountiful hand. If we divert their use for our own profit, we become guilty of selfishness.
It is good business for an employee or junior partner in the firm to work for the profit and interest and glory of the owner. When the owner profits, all members of the firm profit. So, as stewards of our talents, we should invest them for the glory, praise, and honor of God. If God is glorified, we as His partners will be blessed. 

Our voices, our service, and our abilities are to be employed, primarily, for the glory of God.

Take Time to Get to Know People

"Be honest in your judgment and do not decide at a glance (superficially and by appearances); but judge fairly and righteously."
                             —John 7:24
God tells us not to judge people superficially or by appearances. Before we judge people, we must take time to get to know who they really are. Otherwise,  we can approve of someone because they appear to be something, when in fact they are not; or  we can disapprove of someone because of some outward appearance or action, when that individual is actually a wonderful person inside.
We all have our little quirks, our odd little actions, behaviors, and ways that are not easily understood by others. God Himself does not judge by appearances and we need to follow His example.
David would never have been chosen to be king if people had judged superficially. Even his own family disregarded him. But God saw David's heart, the heart of a shepherd. God saw a worshipper, someone who had a heart for Him, someone who was pliable and moldable in His hand. These are qualities God values, but they aren't always obvious at a glance. 
Seek God and let the Holy Spirit speak to you about people. He knows their hearts, and He will tell you whether to beware or pursue a relationship with them. Trust Him, not your own judgment, to lead you as you get to know people and develop relationships. Have the same attitude toward others that you would like them to have toward you.

Cure Discouragement

"Then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws that the LORD gave Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged."
- 1 Chronicles 22:13

Discouragement is nothing new. 
Many of the great Bible characters became discouraged. 
Moses in the Sinai desert;
 Elijah when he heard Jezebel was searching for him to take his life; 
and David when his son Absalom rebelled against him.
 It is as old as the history of man. 
There is often a cause for discouragement. 
It comes many times when we don’t get our way, 
when things don’t work out the way we want them to. 
Discouragement is the opposite of faith. 
It is Satan’s device to thwart the work of God in your life.
 Discouragement blinds our eyes to the mercy 
of God and makes us perceive only the unfavorable circumstances.