November 21, 2010

What Matters Most

Life is all about love. God is  love, the most important lesson he wants you to learn on earth is how to love. Love is the foundation of every command that God has given us. Learning to love unselfishly is not an easy thing to do. God wants us to be in a regular, close relationship with other believers so you can develop the skill of loving. Love cannot be learned in isolation. You have to be around people- irritating, imperfect, frustrating people. Through fellowship we learn three important truths.

The best use of life is love. Why relationships must have priority in your life above everything else?  
1.       Life without love is really worthless
Jesus summarized what matters most to God in two statement: love God and love people. Busyness is a great enemy of relationships. We become preoccupied with Making a living, doing our work, and accomplishing goals as if this task are the point of life. They are not. The point of life is learning to love God and people.
2.       Love will last forever
Love leaves a legacy. How you treated other people, not your wealth or accomplishments, is the most enduring impact you can leave on earth. Love is the secret of a lasting heritage. Wisdom is learning that truth sooner rather than later. Don’t wait until you are on your deathbed to figure out that nothing matters more.

The best expression of love is time. Time is the most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you cannot make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you will never get back. Whenever you give your time, you are making a sacrifice, and sacrifice is the essence of love. Love means giving up- yielding my preferences, comfort, goals, security, money, energy, or time for the benefit of someone else.