Juni 06, 2011

The Power of God's Love

"The Lord is not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance"
   In some circumstances our emotions can be enormously helpful when it comes to understanding and abiding in God's will. We should embrace they ways in which emotions can serve to ignite a desire to obey God. That is not to say that we should wait to be obedient until our emotions drive us, but rather, that emotions can be a powerful driving force and offer a constant reminder of what we need to do.
  If we are going to be effective in delivering the message of salvation to the lost, we should first try to come to an emotional understanding of just how much Jesus loves them and desires that they should not perish. Realize that the love we feel for our own children cannot compare with that which God feels for each and every child of His, whether they call Him Father or not. Contemplate a love which is so intense that you feel as though your heart will burst, and understand that God has more love than this for even those who have turned their backs on Him and cursed His Holy name. 
   We might preach the Gospel, witness to friends, support our congregation's missionaries and even take a mission trip of our own if only to remain obedient to God. In our desire to please the Lord, we may be quite effective. God may choose to use us as His instrument to win many souls for His Kingdom. But how much more effective could we be if our hearts, as well of our minds, were completely invested in the work? What if we were motivated, not just by a desire for obedience, but by a deep desire to save the lost? Fear is a wonderful motivator, but love is the greatest of all. 
  When God reveals just a fraction of that deep love, you will never again see unbelievers the same way. When you see the lost as He sees them, you will not be able to stand the thought of losing a single one. Then will you fully appreciate what God is asking each of us to do, and never again will you miss an opportunity to be used in the service of saving the souls of God's precious children.